Study abroad -this summer- in Greece

Study Abroad in Greece (SAiG), in partnership with Hellenic American University, presents in the summer of 2019, two highly curated credit-bearing study abroad programs aimed at introducing the history and culture

Short Company Description

Study Abroad in Greece (SAiG) specializes in academic tourism (a.k.a. study abroad). Our mission lies in the research and promotion of ancient, Byzantine, and contemporary Greek history, culture, and philosophy through the design and implementation of experiential faculty-led education programs specially designed for students and lifelong learners from all over the world. Our comprehensive portfolio of credit-bearing study abroad programs encourages participants to study and experience Greece’s tangible and intangible cultural assets and heritage through innovative thematic routes. These cutting-edge programs are designed and implemented by experienced academics, artists, and educators, who become your mentors as you explore the preeminent archaeological sites, museums, historic monuments, and cultural venues of our beloved Greece.